The passenger vehicle, light commercial truck, and large, heavy truck markets in Mauritius were thoroughly analyzed and predicted. Market factors that are changing, consumer preferences, and leading companies' business plans are all mentioned.

In-depth SWOT analyses of various automobile industry subcategories, such as PCs, LCVs, large trucks, coaches, vans, and motorbikes, are provided in the study paper. Historical data is available for the import and export patterns by origin and destination country.

The study offers two data sets for the growing market: a historical one from 2005 to 2017 and a projection one from 2018 to 2025. The economic and business situations' effects on the automotive sector are evaluated.

In addition, significant demographic changes over this time are examined, along with changes in GDP, average earnings, and prices. To better comprehend the present state of the sector, the automotive industries in Mauritius and its comparable neighbors in the region are examined.

The research paper also includes local and international developments in the automotive sector. The recognition of potential market participants and their market mechanisms. The paper includes the corporate and SWOT analyses of three significant automobile companies from Mauritius.

Additionally, all significant current events and their effects on the automobile industry of Mauritius are examined.